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电影 《生死绝境》剧情介绍

《生死绝境》主演:艾米丽·罗斯 布莱恩·克劳斯 Melanie Nichelle 帕丽斯·沃纳 的电影 该剧剧情: Hayley Udall tries to make ends meet for herself and her 14 year-old daughter while providing alimony for a horrible ex-husband. She wishes her problems with her ex could go away, and upon venting her frustrations one night, finds herself tangled up in a pact with two people (Melanie and Kevin) to "eliminate" each other's problems. It seemed innocent wishful thinking before, but as people end up dead-including Hayley's ex-husband-Hayley is trapped to fulfill the pact or risk taking the fall for murder. She tries to clear her name but the police (led by Detective Marks) is eyeing her for her ex-husband's death as well as others. Then Melanie abducts Hayley's daughter as leverage for Hayley to follow through and kill one last person. With Detective Marks trying to find the truth, Hayley must hurry to save her daughter and find a way to avoid murder.韩剧网动作片栏目为您提供《生死绝境》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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