
  • 历史 穿越
  • 布兰特妮·斯诺 乔丹娜·布鲁斯特 山姆·理查森 安娜·阿卡娜
  • 120分钟
  • Bailey (Sam Richardson) and Darla (Brittany Snow) …Bailey (Sam Richardson) and Darla (Brittany Snow) embark upon a misguided and mutually deceitful form of therapy, one in which they must drive across the country re-enacting Darla's colorful history as a sex addict. As their true motivations for the road trip come to light, the unlikely pair force one another to confront their issues, discovering that there might actually be more to love than just sex.



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  • 更新至08集
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电影 《上钩》剧情介绍

《上钩》主演:布兰特妮·斯诺 乔丹娜·布鲁斯特 山姆·理查森 安娜·阿卡娜 的电影 该剧剧情: Bailey (Sam Richardson) and Darla (Brittany Snow) embark upon a misguided and mutually deceitful form of therapy, one in which they must drive across the country re-enacting Darla's colorful history as a sex addict. As their true motivations for the road trip come to light, the unlikely pair force one another to confront their issues, discovering that there might actually be more to love than just sex.韩剧网剧情片栏目为您提供《上钩》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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